Movement Based Learning Overview
Learn what Movement Based Learning is all about. Author, teacher and mentor Cecilia Koester walks you through Movement Based Learning and how it can make a difference in the life of a child.

Why YOU Should Read “The Dominance Factor”
Commercial for “The Dominance Factor” by Dr. Carla Hannaford Scripted, Filmed, and Edited by Olivia Watkins Actresses: Kelsey McHenry and Morgan McMurray

Brain Gym for Special Needs Providers – with Cece Koester
Brain Gym is an experiential course which provides an in-depth study of how to use Brain Gym ® with children and adults of ALL abilities, with specific modifications for those with special needs such as autism, cerebral palsy, attention deficit…

Carla Hannaford on Dominance Profiles (Part One)
Carla Hannaford, author of The Dominance Factor, explains lateral dominance and demonstrates how to determine dominance profiles through muscle checking. Knowing Your Dominant Eye, Ear, Brain, Hand & Foot will give you valuable information about your optimal learning strategies and…

Carla Hannaford on Dominance Profiles Part Two
Carla Hannaford, author of The Dominance Factor, explains lateral dominance and demonstrates how to determine dominance profiles through muscle checking. Knowing Your Dominant Eye, Ear, Brain, Hand & Foot will give you valuable information about your optimal learning strategies and…

Moonday Magic Hook-Ups Lisa M Wennekes Women Entrepreneurship
Use this Brain Gym (r) exercise to connect with yourself and to clear your mind.

IKL International: Lisa Wennekes in Interview with Cecilia Köster
Cecilia Köster talks about her work with children and adults with special needs using the building block activities she developed on the basis of Brain Gym(r). She will teach the classes at the IKL in September 2016 in Damme, Germany

Brain Gym Belgium Paul Dennison
Interview with Paul Dennison, founder of Brain Gym and Educational Kinesiology

Paul Dennison im Interview mit Lisa Wennekes Teil 1/ Part 1
Dr. Paul Dennison talking about Master In Depth, Brain Gym and Edu-K

Dr. Paul Dennison im Interview mit Lisa Wennekes Teil 2 / Part 2
Paul Dennison talking about Edu-K and the teachings in his class Master In Depth.

Paul Dennison im Interview mit Lisa Wennekes Teil 3/ Part 3
Dr. Paul Dennison talking about Master In Depth, Brain Gym and Edu-K

Paul Dennison im Interview mit Lisa Wennekes Teil 4/ Part 4
Dr. Paul Dennison talking about Master In Depth, Brain Gym and Edu-K

Movement Based Learning- International Hsp Center
Cecilia Koester invites you to the Movement Based Learning courses at the International Hsp Center.

Brain Gym Begründer Paul Dennison im Interview – Was ist Brain Gym?
Paul Dennison erläutert Brain Gym und die Edu-Kinestetik. Hier das Videointerview in voller Länge.

Interview met Cecilia Koester
Een interview met Cecilia Koester over de door haar ontwikkelde workshop Movement Based Learning en Brain Gym® 170.

Personalized Whole Brain Integration
Dennison, Paul and Gail Dennison, Ventura, CA, Edu- Kinesthetics, Inc.,1985.

Brain Gym® – Teacher’s Edition
Dennison, Paul and Gail Dennison, Ventura, CA, Edu- Kinesthetics, Inc., 2010 –

Brain-gym en toegepaste kinesiologie op school
een praktische aanpak van leerproblemen met energetische oefeningen Auteur: Christina Buchner Uitgever: Panta Rhei Nederlands 1e druk Paperback 192 pagina’s ISBN 9789088400520 Een praktische aanpak

Handboek brain gym
Handboek brain gym 1e druk is een boek van Paul E. Dennison uitgegeven bij Panta Rhei. ISBN 9789088400964 Brain Gym® is een serie van 26

Brain Gym® kaartenset
Energetische oefeningen voor kinderen met leerproblemen. Een praktische aanvulling op het Handboek Brain Gym® Nederlands 1e druk Bedoeld voor docenten, remedial teachers en logopedisten, maar

The Dominance Factor
Explores an area that has long intrigued scientists and educators: the linkages between the side of the body we favor for seeing, hearing, touching, and
Smart Moves
Why Learning Is Not All in Your Head Neurophysiologist and educator Dr. Carla Hannaford brings the latest insights from scientific research to questions that affect

Brain Gym®: Simple Activities for Whole-Brain Learning
This book, in first-person story format, includes the 26 Brain Gym® movements & simple instructions for how to perform them correctly. The book reaches out